My recollection of US History is that it was General Sherman, not
Sheridan, that burnt Atlanta (and everything east of it) down.

On Sun, 22 Sep 2002, mpdickens wrote:

> dep wrote:
> > i knew that he had been terribly wounded at chickamauga,
> My great great grandfather survived both the Battle of the Wilderness
> and Gettysburg (My great great uncle survived Wilderness to die at
> Gettysburg). However, he died from wounds he recieved at Chicamauga
> three days after the battle... He was from Georgia and knew if
> Chicamauga fell, Atlanta and therefore Georgia would fall...(Atlanta was
> totally burned to the ground within a month of Chicamauga. Not a single
> building was left standing). Milledgeville burned within a month
> of Atlanta and Savannah burned within a month of Milledgeville. Sheridan
> lost a military aid at the Battle of Chicamauga who he considered his
> adopted son... He swore he would burn Georgia to the ground and he did.
> As Sheridan marched to the sea, he literally burned *everything* in his
> path and left nothing.... In Milledgeville, he turned the Episcopal
> church and the Catholic church in horse stables. He ordered his men to
> pour molasses down the pipes of the organs located in both churches.
> Upon leaving Milledgeville, Sheridan ordered both churches burned to the
> ground and any civilians shot who tried to stop it. Problem was,
> Washington was so far away and communications so bad, there was nobody
> to stop him. It was totally unnecessary and was, in fact, an
> act of vengence.
> Best
> Peck
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