On Mon, 23 Sep 2002, mpdickens wrote:
> Net Llama! wrote:
> > There are many scholarly essays which assert that Sherman was the
> > first military leader in modern history who truly understand that in order
> > to win a war, you must defeat not only the opposing military forces, but
> > also the spirit of the civilians.  Creating a swatch of destruction across
> > Georgia certainly drove that point home.
> The south had, by this time, decisively lost the war. Also, no other
> city or state that Sherman conquored was so totally destroyed as Atlanta
> and Georgia. As brilliant a military officer as Sherman was, after
> Chicamauga, he was totally out of control. This point is driven home by
> the fact that the Union ordered him not to go South of Savannah to
> Florida and sent other Generals who were much less capable and much
> farther from Florida than he was (As much as a month away.... And in
> war, time *is* your enemy).
> Regarding civilians, so, you think it's OK to shoot Catholic Priests and
> women ss he did in Milledgeville...? You don't think that's out of control?

I think this entire thread is wildly off topic, and i'm not going to
further contribute to it.  There are alot of Civil War forums available
online, and this is surely not one of them.

Lonni J Friedman                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Linux Step-by-step & TyGeMo                  http://netllama.ipfox.com

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