Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
I installed (finally!) RH 7.3 using the XFS boot disk. Unfortunately, the system won't start. It boots to a black screen and just sits there so I've got some questions. I did check the XFS notes and did NOT have to apply the patch. I could use the ISO as is. Also, I put GRUB on the MBR.
The system is a dual AMD 1.9 system with an Adaptec 3210S RAID adapter and I'm running RAID 5 on it.
1. I made all the partitions XFS - I assume that's not a problem??

2. Any ideas on where to look or how to fix it.

3. During the install it wanted a formatted floppy - is it asking for ext2 floppy or just a formatted floppy straight out of the box? It never would accept the floppy I gave it which was straight out of the box.


I doubt that this has anything to do with XFS. If it boots to a black screen as you say, then it's most likely a video issue, possibly an incorrect monitor setting. At what point in the boot process does the screen go blank?
As to the floppy disk, it's a known issue as the XFS kernel will not fit on a standard floppy, it's too large. However, after 100+ installs, I've yet to need one, as XFS seems damn near indestructible.

Andrew Mathews
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