> On 11/02/2002 04:36 PM, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
>> I installed (finally!) RH 7.3 using the XFS boot disk. Unfortunately, the
>> system won't start.  It boots to a black screen and just sits there so
>> I've
>> got some questions.  I did check the XFS notes and did NOT have to apply
>> the patch.  I could use the ISO as is.  Also, I put GRUB on the MBR.
>> The system is a dual AMD 1.9 system with an Adaptec 3210S RAID adapter
>> and I'm running RAID 5 on it.
>> 1.  I made all the partitions XFS - I assume that's not a problem??
> Not at all.  That's how all of my servers are setup.
 Good.  Thanks.

>> 2.  Any ideas on where to look or how to fix it.
> Don't use grub?  I always use LILO and never have a problem.

I could I guess, but GRUB has worked well so far.

>> 3.  During the install it wanted a formatted floppy - is it asking for
>> ext2
>> floppy or just a formatted floppy straight out of the box?  It never
>> would accept the floppy I gave it which was straight out of the box.
> That's an installer bug.  THe XFS kernel is too big to fit on a 1.44
> formatted floppy.

Thanks.  I wish it had said "I can't fit it on the floppy" then I would 
have known <G>.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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