Yes, you can have up to 8 desktops in XFCE. Go to and take a look at the screenshots.

Also another plus for XFCE, that hasn't yet been mentioned here is that its damn easy to build. There's one tarball, about 4MB in size that has everything in it, and building that tarball as an RPM is easy too.

On 12/19/02 17:59, Kevin O'Gorman wrote:
You can?  I might get interested, if it's also got multiple
desktops.  Aside from those things, KDE doesn't do that much
for me, and does do some things I don't care for.

++ kevin

On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:

Yes, but you can run these under xfce.

> Interesting idea.  I'll try it if all else fails.
> I'm reluctant to ditch KDE, because I'm familiar with it and in
> most respects can provide support to my wife in its use.  Besides,
> I personally use a couple of things that only KDE provides:
> kdevelop and six, and my wife really likes kpatience.
L. Friedman                       	       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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