The newer AMDs will cut back on the speed if they get too hot.  It was the 
early ones that had the problems.  But I put a LOT of cooling on them 
whether they were AMD or Intel!

Bruce Marshall wrote:

> On Saturday 28 December 2002 13:29 pm, Jerry McBride wrote:
>> My $0.02 worth...
>> VIA chipsets aren't that bad. In fact, it's the most common chipset
>> that I'me exposed to, both at home and at work.
>> As far as brands go. I'm totally amazed at how well SOYO motherboards
>> work. Also MSI. My most recent purchase has been an MSI KT3 ULTRA2.
>> Excellent, fast and decently priced.
>> As for Intel cpu's... I go out of my way to avoid them.
> I would agree with you on the Intel's with the exception that they *do*
> seem to have good thermal protection.  (slowing down the processor).  If
> anything untoward happens to an AMD CPU, they immediately go up in
> smoke.  I don't like that 'feechur'.

Brett I. Holcomb
AKA Grunt <><
Registered Linux User #188143
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