On 12/28/02 21:01, Rick Forrister wrote:
I've a good friend here in the L.A. area who builds high end systems for a living.  They supply several of the render farms in the Hollywood area, etc.  They formerly used a lot of ASUS motherboards, and had good success with them.  A couple years back, the failure rate started to creap up on them.  Then they started having problems with ASUS warrantee support - long delays, getting "replacements" that were obviously recycled returns (and sometimes still not working), lots of other fun and games.  They no longer handle ASUS products at all.
Ah yes, recyled returns, that's another Asus trick. Just last week i got back 3 boards from them. All 3 were still broken, two were beta boards (the rev # on the label indicated it as such), and the 3rd had so much dirt & dust on it that it had to have been sitting on a shelf for months, exposed to the air. Needless to say, i've sent them back for another round of replacements.

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