Back to your client's orginal problem, much as I hate it, it might not be 
winders at fault. I've had this sample problem with at least a dozen 
computers  I've worked on. Found first cause is the hd going bad, rarily, but 
it happens the ide controller (if the system is ide) going out or is out.

On Monday 27 January 2003 17:40, Matthew Carpenter wrote:
> I have to share my story, so disregard if you don't want to hear it.
> This morning I got a call from a client that I had done some work for last
> Thursday.  He wanted me to come back in and help him because his freshly
> installed Win98 machine was toes up.  From the description, I would say
> that was a fair assessment-dead.  He would get the "Loading Windows 98..."
> and then WHAM!  He got his "Compaq" boot screen again.  I told him that I
> would be in later in the morning and take a look, but it sounded like his
> install was toast and that he'd end up reinstalling yet again... and tried
> to bite my lip on suggesting Linux on his desktop for the moment.  He's
> not ready yet.  But I WAS thinking about my bootable Linux options so I
> could SMBMOUNT his neighbor's drive and get his data off the computer.
> "Man, I wish I had burned that copy of Knoppix I d/l'ed the other day."
> Anyway, before I could go solve his problem I had a meeting, which never
> materialized.  But as I waited for someone to find the person responsible
> for the meeting, I ended up discussing some non-related computer problems
> with her boss.  My answer, commonly hated among Windows buffs: flaky
> Windows problem... as indeed it was.  Her tech-guy laughed and as it turns
> out, he's a Linux guy as well.  When I showed him my SuSE8.1 install on my
> laptop, he brought up Knoppix.  Oddly enough, he had a spare copy lying
> around so he gave it to me.
> I show up at my other client, Knoppix in hand.  I verified what he was
> relaying to me, and explained the issue and resolution.  I pop in the
> Knoppix CD, choose "wm" (or KDE), and away we went.  No DHCP server, so I
> switched to VC1 and configured the NIC easily enough, and smbmount'ed a
> share on another PC (no server in this place), and copied 1/2 GB in about
> 10 minutes.  Nice.  Very nice.  Both Windows partitions showed up in KDE
> as mountable partitions, etc...  All very pretty.
> And it was that simple!
> This is my first experience with Knoppix, but it won't be my last.  YMMV
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