Collins Richey wrote:

You too? I installed the service pack Linux-Slackware and all the computers here seem to run better then ever before. There must be something special about the Linux brand service packs. Do you think
M$ might learn something useful from them?

In my case, the slogan(which I didn't invent) is just a chuckle. My
company is 90% Microsoft bound, with a few Solaris machines sprinkled

At work, the file server and web server are linux, The accounting package is linux run from (of all the fscking things) win98 using a telnet session (don't ask me why I didn't have anything to do with this crap) . The only one left with M$ are the R&D computers (at least until I can find a replacement for Protel) <ultra dreaming mode on>Hopefully some one out there will see the wisdom of supporting Linux and come up with a decent pc-board design package <ultra dreaming mode off> And of course each M$ machine has a complete legal copy of all the software that is installed.

Ted Ozolins (VE7TVO)
Westbank, B. C.

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