m.w.chang wrote:
I am very confused by the freaking partition setup screes<sic> offereed<sic> by Redhat. I could install Caldera COL 3.1 WITHOUT ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE on my production harddisk WITHOUT backup. Redhat? .. go away...


Huh? If you've "hacked the scheduling algorithm of an peusdo-OS called KMOS (written in Pascal)" then RedHat's disk partitioning tools (entire disk, use disk druid, use fdisk) should really be a no-brainer. It's simple enough for even a windows user to grasp without difficulty. And why were you installing Caldera "WITHOUT ABSOLUTE CONFIDENCE"? Don't you mean "with absolute confidence"? I'm not clear on your meaning of "without backup". If you had a backup wouldn't you be reinstalling from it, and if not, why do you have that backup, especially since you say it's a production system? This makes no sense at all.

Andrew Mathews
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