How does it work to apply the same logic to a 7x7?
20 years outdated
10 years past mechanical retirement
a budget that mimics the airlines that are going bankrupt
do you really want to fly the friendly skies of NASA?

There is no doubt in my mind that a huge coverup is now ongoing. No matter how
forthright NASA officials seem right now. You cant tell me that someone did not
look at the underside of the wing by telescope and know the mission was from
then on doomed. Much easier on NASA and the US population to say what a
tragedy, what a shame, instead of saying on day two that they are not coming
home unless NASA goes and gets them. Then go get them! But no, NASA just keeps
quiet and feeds the US population and the rest of the world a dose of bullshit.

On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 11:32:43 -0500 - Matthew Carpenter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote the
Re: Re: shuttle disaster

>I don't know...  After 186 missions, 2 ending badly isn't AS bad as if it were
>2 out of 10.  Although after reading your weekly summary, I did learn a bit
>more about computer and technical failures which we DON'T hear every day.  I
>like the $5/lb estimate.  That would have been nice.
>On Tue, 4 Feb 2003 07:56:13 -0500
>dep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> well, they've blown up half the fleet and have a catastrophic accident 
>> about 2 percent of the time. so i'm not sure what "bad" would be.
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