On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 06:50:41 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Do you feel a bit mislead, judging by the amount of resistance, and
> the lack of open-armed welcome by the Iraqis? Our intentions may be
> good, but something smells.

Not in the least.  I don't ever believe that massive groups of Arabs
would invite the "great Satan" into their midst and welcome him with
open arms.  Nor do I believe that anyone in the administration would
seriously believe this to be the case.  The whole scenario is
quite complex, and it's an over simplification to say "it's the oil" or
"it's the weapons of mass destruction" or "it's freedom for the Iraquis"
or "it's Al Queda (sp?)", etc.  It's all of these things and more.  Some
aspects of the campaign are no doubt tied up with classified information
that we are not privy to, and that's as it should be, although that irks
the CIA baiters no end.

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