On Sat, 29 Mar 2003 08:45:06 -0800
Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bruce Marshall wrote:
> >I don't feel mislead either.   As one Iraqi soldier put it:  "we fear
> >
> >Saddam far more than we fear you (U.S.)"
> >
> >So they won't start being relieved until they are sure that Saddam
> >won't be around to harm them.
> >  
> >
> I have some hope from the Basra situation. Revolt was hinted at there.
> Unfortunately it may have caused the death of many civilians.
> This is my wish; that what the US government says is true; that they 
> were prepared for what is happening; that Sadam's regime will quickly 
> crumble; that Bush has more brains than he exhibits publicly; that the
> Iraqi people will at least allow if not support the overthrow of
> Sadam; that this fight is worth fighting; that it helps resolve the 
> Israel/Palistine problems; that our sons and daughters come home 
> (victorious if possible, but at least with honor).
> Tony Blair gives me some hope for the situation. His words ring true; 
> his passion speaks loudly. I know many strongly support Bush, but my 
> faith in him is stretched thin. Next to Blair in yesterdays news 
> conference, he seemed to be in over his head.
> The contracts awarded Cheney's old business friends, and the
> resignation of Perle, seem to caste doubt on motives.

No flames here!  

I have a little more respect for GWB than you do.  He
may be no rocket scientist, and he certainly will not go down in history
as a memorable orator, but like many who have reached success in the
business world, he knows how to surround himself with competency and how
to delegate.

It is most unfortunate that a lot of British folks do not recognize what
a gem they have in Tony Blair!  I'm certainly not a leftist, and I
would probably be a Tory voter if I were in Britain, but I have nothing
but respect for Mr. Blair.

As regards business contracts, I can think of no administration
(probably since the inception of politics!) that does not bestow favors.
 That's just politics as usual.  A snide remark would be: at least
Republican Americans are being favored and not Chinese contributors to
the Democratic war chest.


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