Bruce Marshall wrote:

I don't feel mislead either. As one Iraqi soldier put it: "we fear Saddam far more than we fear you (U.S.)"

So they won't start being relieved until they are sure that Saddam won't be around to harm them.

I have some hope from the Basra situation. Revolt was hinted at there. Unfortunately it may have caused the death of many civilians.

This is my wish; that what the US government says is true; that they were prepared for what is happening; that Sadam's regime will quickly crumble; that Bush has more brains than he exhibits publicly; that the Iraqi people will at least allow if not support the overthrow of Sadam; that this fight is worth fighting; that it helps resolve the Israel/Palistine problems; that our sons and daughters come home (victorious if possible, but at least with honor).

Tony Blair gives me some hope for the situation. His words ring true; his passion speaks loudly. I know many strongly support Bush, but my faith in him is stretched thin. Next to Blair in yesterdays news conference, he seemed to be in over his head.

The contracts awarded Cheney's old business friends, and the resignation of Perle, seem to caste doubt on motives.

Rebuttal welcome!

Flame away ;-)


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