[ snips ]

On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 15:37:52 +0000
Ted Ozolins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Keith Antoine wrote:
> > 
> > BTW was there loss of life or did they ALL get away in time.
> > 
> > It does seem co-incidental that both continents seem to swap fire
> > hazzard, again is arson part of it too as with us. Mind you Europe
> > copped it this time as well and the death toll was bigger that we
> > ever had.
> > 
> They managed to evacuate everyone with plenty of time to spare, no
> loss of life. 
> This mess isn't over by a long shot. 
> Since ... in 1982 (I > think) they had a similar fire in that area and
> didn't go anywhere, the idiots ignored it. In 1982 it wasn't anywhere
> near as dry and heat parched as it has been this year. This is going
> to be one hell of a summer for many to remember.

Sounds much worse than what we had in Colorado past summers.  My
sympathy for all affected!

In addition to the idiot politicians, we have the usual problems
building up to a conflagration like this:

1) People like to build in areas that look pretty and green without any
thought given to what might happen when it's all ablaze.  In the case of
towns, the decisions were made decades or centuries ago.

2) Environmentalists are usually opposed to any efforts to thin the
forests and remove dead fuel in aging forests near populated areas.  The
standard argument: Forest management is just clearcutting, but if
nature is doing the "clearing," that's aok.  People who might suffer
aren't extremely important.

3) All of the above leaves the way open for arsonists and/or careless
people to trigger a disaster.

A few of the people who live in the foothills communities west of Denver
are now starting to prepare themselves by clearing around their homes
and removing excess downed timber.

Collins Richey - Denver Area
if you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the 
worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.

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