quoth Joel Hammer:

| So, my question, any laptop suggestions that would play well with
| linux?

my top three choices:

1. thinkpad
2. thinkpad
3. used thinkpad

i'm running suse on an old tp-240 and it is the niftiest three-pound 
machine on the planet (except for the prototype tp-240s with the crusoe 
chip, which are in a closet some place over in armonk and the only 
thing that has ever driven me to ponder burglary). thinkpads are simply 
tremendous. there is one caveat: ibm has not really figured out 
batteries yet, so you want to find a good third-party replacement 
battery supplier. i have two long-life third-party batteries for the 
240, and i easily get six hours from each, even with disk-intensive 

in some places, "lawyer" and "liar" are homonyms;
in all places, "lawyer" and "liar" are synonyms.
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