On Sunday 09 November 2003 05:10 am, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> On Sun, 09 Nov 2003 19:37:01 +0800
> "M.W. Chang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > what does textmaker do?

"It's a floor wax . . . No, it's a dessert topping . . . .No, floor wax, 
. . . .  No, dessert topping.  Stop, you're both right!"
"And, for a limited time only, not just $59.95, or $49.95, but, if you 
mention that you saw it on linuxandmain, yours for only $29.95 
(shipping and handling not included)".

Seriously, however, it's a Word replacement that works well, reads and 
writes Word format.

> >
> > dep wrote:
> > > i use textmaker -- couldn't live without it -- and it is very,
> > > very good. i got this note from 'em tonight and thought i'd pass
> > > it along in case anyone had been interested but didn't want to
> > > pay $50 for the product (though if it were $200 it would be worth
> > > it, imho).
> >
> > --
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>   I dl the free trial, what installs it.
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Tony Alfrey
"I'd rather be sailing"

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