Tony Alfrey wrote:
On Tuesday 11 November 2003 01:23 pm, Kurt Wall wrote:
> Quoth M.W. Chang:
> > better than open office?
> Yup, in the same way that single malt scotch is better than
> Listerine.
> Kurt

On this thread, someone commented that they had pretty good success with 
OO and textmaker re: Word format docs.  Just for grins, I loaded up OO 
and opened up a Word doc that someone just sent me.  Looked pretty 
wierd in OO but looked perfect with textmaker.

I ordered a copy this morning.  I will only use Textmaker  occasionally to format HTML documents.  After playing a bit with the trial download,
I do find Textmaker a lot  simpler for the non-expert to format a HTML document than OO or Staroffice.
Leon A. Goldstein

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