Auyeung at Technet Systems wrote:

> *.dll are windows-specific system files, but as the others
> on the list say, it could be anything since linux doesn't
> use file extensions.
> Seems that yu are using GUI. Can you right-click on it to
> review its property?

>no way to open the thing.

> Or can you use console mode and ls or cat the file ?

>ls and cat lockup the terminal window as does rm, rm -f, gz, and chattr -E.

> Do you run wine or win4lin ?

> >No, neither one. That's why I suspect that it might a windows bomb on one of the 
>sites that
> has the ability to effect Linux.

> I suspect that it was a windows application which dropped
> the file there.
> :-)
> Auyeung
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > >rm works on some of the files that were in /home/user.
> The only file that doesn't respond is
> > scywebMT.dll' . Can't tell what size it is evertime I try
> to access the thing I get terminal
> > window lockup. Followed up your suggestion on Hotbot. The
> only site that pulls up is a MCC Web
> > Site Statistic April 1 - 1June 1999. I never downloaded
> the thing, but it's there and tough as
> > a stainless steel bolt.
> >
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