On Sunday 26 August 2001 08:36 am, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Aug 2001 22:20, Collins Richey orated thus:
> > I don't know whether this is your problem or not; the following
> > is required for using a reiserfs /boot with grub.  The /boot
> > partition should have been mounted with -o notail; if not, the
> > structure of the files and journal records are different, and
> > grub can't cope with that.  If this is the problem, copy your
> > /boot files somewhere else, umount the /boot partition, make
> > new reiserfs on the partition, moun /dev/hdx -o notail -t
> > reiserfs /mnt/xxx, copy back the /boot files you preserved.
> I also need to do this to /boot as I have ext2 on it and not
> reiserfs. Now I need something clarifying re the replacing of
> ext2 with reiserfs and what you wrote.
> The statement "mount /dev/hdx"; I am lost here as thats the whole
> HD and not the partition also its not mounted in /mnt/xxx its
> /dev/hda7 and /boot. So what is the required statement, for me to
> change /boot to reiserfs as all the rest are reiserfs. I have the
> /boot copied to /backup at present.
> What would happen if I umount /boot amd do a:
> mount -t reiserfs -o notail /dev/hda7 /boot ??

Yes, I meant something like /dev/hda7 as in your command, which 
looks correct.  The point is, if your /boot partition is reiserfs 
and if you ever mounted it without the -o notail option (including 
via fstab entry) and created any files, grub will have problems 
with it because the files are created with tailing (see a reiserfs 
writeup for explanation).

This is getting way off topic for your current problem, which is 
with Lilo.  You might post your lilo.conf file for others to 
comment on.

Collins Richey
Denver Area
jblinux 2.2 KDE
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