On Sunday 26 August 2001 03:26 pm, Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Aug 2001 00:17, Collins Richey orated thus:
> > > The statement "mount /dev/hdx"; I am lost here as thats the
> > > whole HD and not the partition also its not mounted in
> > > /mnt/xxx its /dev/hda7 and /boot. So what is the required
> > > statement, for me to change /boot to reiserfs as all the rest
> > > are reiserfs. I have the /boot copied to /backup at present.
> > >
> > > What would happen if I umount /boot amd do a:
> > > mount -t reiserfs -o notail /dev/hda7 /boot ??
> >
> > Yes, I meant something like /dev/hda7 as in your command, which
> > looks correct.  The point is, if your /boot partition is
> > reiserfs and if you ever mounted it without the -o notail
> > option (including via fstab entry) and created any files, grub
> > will have problems with it because the files are created with
> > tailing (see a reiserfs writeup for explanation).
> >
> > This is getting way off topic for your current problem, which
> > is with Lilo.  You might post your lilo.conf file for others to
> > comment on.
> Errm, forgot to say I do not use lilo, intensely dislike it, I
> use GRUB. <|;-0 I did in  another post include my
> /boot/grub/menu.lst, and I gather that i also have to put in
> reiserfs -o notail in the fstab too then ??

Yes, most definitely your fstab needs notail, if you mount the 
partition via fstab.  Some distros (gentoo) don't mount tyhe /boot 
partition (security) automatically, because it is not needed after 
boot unless you are monkying with the kernel, etc.

Collins Richey
Denver Area
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