Keith Antoine wrote:
> On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 14:24, dep orated thus:
> > charles krauthammer, mideast expert, is a quadraplegic who
> > nevertheless is one of the most astute commentators. i recommend his
> > column of today:
> >
> >
> I read the article and it is hard hitting , but the conclusions he arrives at
> are in themselves self defeating. I cannot believe that the majority of US
> citizens would allow the genocide of a peoples.

No, not many would. However these same "innocents" that wrap their
loving arms around those who committed these atrocities should soon be
reclassified as "collateral damage". If bin Laden is responsible, and if
these people see him, they'd better run from him like he was a leper,
lest they choose to be a martyr too. Either way, doesn't make much
difference, just a little less ammo wasted.
George W. is certainly aware that this is a rallying cry that gives him
almost free reign to make a decisive decision with few repercussions.
We've been haunting ourselves with unfinished missions, from Patton and
his desire to continue till he reached Red Square, to the fragile, so
called "peace agreement" between the Koreas, to Vietnam, in which we won
the battles, (captured obscure hills, only to abandon them in a matter
of days), thus losing the war, to leaving Quadaffi, Hussein, and other
sponsors of terrorism remaining in place after delivering sound defeats
in their conflicts. 
 We, as a nation, used to find justice, honor, and pride our true
beliefs, now we're more worried about being politically correct
apologists. There's a time for words, and a time for action. Let's hope
we don't get the two confused anymore.

> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Keith Antoine aka "skippy"

Andrew Mathews
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War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military.
                -- Clemenceau
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