On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 01:43:01PM -0400, Joel Hammer wrote:
>Let's take a vote. Does anyone think that current users of windows products
>(server or browser) will switch because of this latest worm?
>I vote no, because if they didn't switch after the last worm, they don't
>have the brains or time to make a switch.

It isn't a matter of brains in most cases, but pure ignorance.  There's
also the matter of job security for the industry that's grown up to put
bandaids on the Microsoft plague

>It might be time to think whether or not Microsoft has become a security
>risk to the country.

This is a question?  Windows is a threat to any data accessible to the
machine.  It costs billions every year in time lost waiting for reboots,
and recovering data trashed by Windows and the brain-dead Microsoft
applications.  Check out the paragraph ``Covert use of Windows Machines''
in an article that I wrote back when the I Love You worm hit:

This was written a couple of years ago.  Since then, Microsoft's own
servers have been hit for Windows source code (could that be instrumental
in perfecting the latest attacks), their servers have been hit by Code Red,
and many U.S. Government sites hit as well.

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FAX:            (206) 232-9186  Mercer Island, WA 98040-0820; (206) 236-1676
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