> Once you have installed the distro, you can upgrade to woody easilly
> just by changing the sources.list and running update and then
> upgrade. I did not install reisersfs as I haven't had the time to
> study what it can and cannot do.
> I sent a URL last week to the list of a doc about moving from bsd to
> debian, was good told how to do the woody upgrade and bunch of other
> stuff.  Check the archives for this list. If you can't find it let me
> know and I'll see if I can relocate it and send it to you.
> Ray
> Ray & Nancy Plummer
> Copper, Elektra & WOK
> http://www.nanray.cjb.net/gsdped/gsdbintro.html
> _______________________________________________
Another Caldera refugee on this list that runs Libranet is Leon 
Goldstein. I see him sometimes on the Libranet list. Libra is a good 
distrib, besides Mandrake betas, it's all I run.
Randy Donohoe
http://linux.nf -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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