On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Vern W Heesch wrote:

> I am in need of help with setting up the WPC11 pcmcia card for my laptop. I 
> have qwest DSL with a dynamic ip. The laptop is running OpenLinux 3.1. I 
> tried to follow the step by step, but I must be missing something. After 
> loading pcmcia-cs-3.1.30 I now get power to the card but no 'activity' on the 
> thing, as in the green light is always dark.
> shouldn't I have loaded a kernel module for this card? If so, which one?
> My network.opts is as follows: I got this info from windows on same laptop
> IP ADDR=""
> #
> #
> DNS_1=""
> DNS_2=""
> I don't understand what is needed for NETWORK, DOMAIN and SEARCH. Are they 
> all required fields? Also, the laptop has a built-in ethernet as eth0 and the 
> WPC11 is eth1. Can both be loaded at boot time? Am I going to be able to use 
> wireless or wired whichever I choose without reconfiguring something? As you 
> can tell, I know little about wireless, laptops and networking and linux. So 
> far I have muddled through all my other problems with the help of this list 
> and the step-by-steps. Any help would be appreciated.
> vern

I'll try to answer your question item by item, but I suspect you problems
are due to issues much earlier than network configuration.

>From the info you've provided above:

        NETWORK = ""

IIRC, "DOMAIN" and "SEARCH" should not be critical to your
success.  Domain could be a bogus domain name if you want.  Something like
"heesch.lan"  This should be okay as long as nobody needs to reference the
pc by name "hostname.domainname.tld".  Probably could even be left blank I
suspect. Ditto for "SEARCH" unless you are running your own local dns
server and dns domain.

But to the real crux of your problem.  I suspect the driver for the card
is not loading.  Generally with pcmcia (pc card) devices.  when the system
comes up (or really when pcmcia is started) you should get two beeps.  I
don't have any experience with this card, most of my work is done with
Lucent stuff.  IIRC, this card is using the Prism2 chipset.  Checkout,
http://www.linux-wlan.org/index.html.  Almost anything using the Prism2
will be support by the linux-wlan-ng project code.  Also the mailing list
is quite active and should be able to help also.

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