Vern W Heesch wrote:

> I am in need of help with setting up the WPC11 pcmcia card for my laptop. I
> have qwest DSL with a dynamic ip. The laptop is running OpenLinux 3.1. I
> tried to follow the step by step, but I must be missing something. After
> loading pcmcia-cs-3.1.30 I now get power to the card but no 'activity' on the
> thing, as in the green light is always dark.
> shouldn't I have loaded a kernel module for this card? If so, which one?

Seems likely to me that you need a card driver on top of the pcmcia driver, but
I've never used one so maybe not.  Here are some comments in addition to the
useful ones you've gotten already:

The network.opts you list is most likely a file sourced by your boot scripts to
bring up networking.  That means that the settings there are most likely for eth0
- your wired interface.  So even if you get the driver stuff working for eth1,
its interface won't necessarily be configured and brought up.

Maybe there are comments in network.opts (or other files near it) that tell you
how to add an interface.  You can also do:

cd /etc/init.d && grep network.opts *

to find likely boot scripts to look at.  Ultimately you'll run across the use of
ifconfig (perhaps in an ipup or similar script).

Once your laptop is up running normally, use ifconfig without parameters.  You
should see 3 sections: lo, the loopback, eth0, wired, and eth1, wireless.  If you
don't see eth1, try bringing it up with ifconfig (see the man page for details -
the ip, at least, should be differnt than eth0).  If ifconfig fails because it
can't talk to the card, you have driver problems as mentioned.  If it comes up,
then you just need to adjust the options to get it to work and adjust your boot
scripts to start it at boot.

Once you have the interfaces configured, you can do:

ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth1 up (use wireless)
ifconfig eth1 down && ifconfig eth0 up (use wired)

Hope that's not too much answer to something you've solved by now.


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