David Aikema wrote:

 > On December 26, 2001 05:23 am, Tim Wunder wrote:
 >> You could also try changing your chrome. Occasionally that fixes
 >> things. But, that being said, I suspect that upcoming milestones
 >> (0.9.8, 0.9.9, 0.9.10) should reverse the seeming destablization
 >> trend.
 > That's what I would expect as well.... 0.9.7 isn't the only poor
 > milestone from Mozilla that I've experienced problems with.

To paraphrase the Moz developers (at least those who post to the
newsgroups), Mozilla isn't for end users, per se. Only those users who
are willing to test the Mozilla platform. If you want a stable, end user
app, go with Netscape 6x, or Beonex. You'll be several steps in 
development behind Moz, but it should be a much more stable app. Even 
the pitiful Netscape 6.0 was more stable than the Mozilla 0.8 milestone 
that was released near the same time.

Mozilla's milestone releases are, essentially, a slightly polished 
nightly. They are not immune to ANY of the problems that a typical 
nightly might have. That's the main reason I haven't used a milestone 
release in months. 0.9.4 is the last I installed under Win2K, and I 
rarely used it, I haven't installed a milestone under linux since I 
upgraded my COL2.4 to COL3.1 a few months back.

In fact, if you grab a nightly from a week or so after a milestone 
release, you'll probly be much happier with it. Many bugs found in the 
milestone, as a result of more people using it, will be fixed in the 
upcoming nightlies.

 > If only Opera would start releasing versions of their browser for
 > linux other than these tech preview releases.  I'm currently

I've got no interest in Opera, at this point. But choice is a beautiful 


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