Net Llama wrote:

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Subject:
> is mozilla getting *more* buggy?
> From:
> Date:
> Tue, 25 Dec 2001 12:54:10 -0800 (PST)
> To:
> To:
> I've been an advid Mozilla fan since something like BUILD 15.  I've made
> Mozilla my primary browser since about release 0.8, and i've seen some
> fairly impressive progress, up until recently.
> I'm typing this on 0.9.7 (the latest stable release) and i've noticed
> that since 0.9.6 mozilla seems to have become more buggy & unstable. 
> Over the past month, Mozilla locks up on me *alot*, and segfaults
> (Netscape style) almost daily.  The lock ups used to be a seldom
> occurance, perhaps once a week, if that.  The segfaults *never* happened
> to me, and now its almost expected. My web surfing habits haven't
> changed.
> Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed this trend as of late?

Seems to be a common thread to some recent newsgroups postings, at least 
WRT 0.9.7. So I don't think you're the only one.
I've been having good luck with the Nightly builds, though (W2K at 
work). One would think the milestone releases would be MORE stable. 
However, IIRC, I needed to re-create my profile not too long ago. Just 
backup your mail files and bookmarks.html file and you can just copy 
them into your new profile.
You could also try changing your chrome. Occasionally that fixes things.
But, that being said, I suspect that upcoming milestones (0.9.8, 0.9.9, 
0.9.10) should reverse the seeming destablization trend.
The Galeon recomendation is probly a good one. I haven't tried it 
myself, but I've yet to read anything bad about it.

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