On Thursday 03 January 2002 10 22:33 pm, Joel Hammer dropped these nuggets of 
> Well, I have enjoyed a static ip number on my cable modem for a year or
> so from @HOME. But, they are dead, so I seem be forced to get a dynamic
> ip number.
> I don't have dhcpdc on my caldera 2.4 box, with a  2.2 kernel patched
> for win4lin. So, questions:
> 1. Which dhcpdc is best to use. I will likely use this same box as a
> dhcpd server for my home network, as well.

I used just the plain old dhcpcd when I ran eD2.4.  I had it setup for DSL 
though.  It should come with it unless you have removed it.  If so you can 
probably pull it off the installation cd.  Other clients are pump and 

> 2. Does anyone know how long I will likely be keeping each assigned
> dynamic number? I maintain a domain name on register.com and can access
> my box and get mail with my domain name, provided I can associate my
> domain name with an ip number on register.com's server.  I still would
> like to do that but it would be difficult if the ip number changed a
> lot. I never turn my machine off. The question is, if you don't turn
> off your machine, can they change the ip number?

I have had the same IP since I got my DSL (going on a year now) even though 
they use DHCP.  Although for my DSL it is a non-routable IP.   

I think it depends on how your client refreshes itself against their DHCP 
server as to if they can change the IP. I imagine as long as it doesn't 
assign the IP you have out in the time it takes to drop and request the IP 
again it should be fine.  

Tom Wilson
Register Linux user # 199331
Live on your knees in conformity or die on you feet for honesty

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