On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 17:36:47 +0530, zohar wrote:
> one of my friend says the internal modem is an internal modem while other
> says it is a Winmodem. I think it is Winmodem as it has no processor like
> thing of itself. I want to connect Linux to internet as I want it to be able
> to download it linux material in Linux partition. So I think I have to
> brought a external modem . In all this I am confused.
> Do any one have encountered this or have some idea about this ?

If you just want to download material to put on the Linux partition, you can
download it in Windows and leave it in a folder on your desktop.  Then boot
into Linux and do:

mount -t vfat /dev/hda1  /mnt (if Windows is on /dev/hda1)
cd /mnt/windows/desktop/
ls (You will see what is on your desktop)

You can copy the whole folder over to Linux.  If you do this as user, it
will end up in a folder by the same name in /home/<username>:

cp -a <folder-name> ~/
umount /mnt

You may want to do more than this, like mail and so on, but if you just want
to download, this will work.

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