Was it Anita Lewis who wrote on Sunday 06 January 2002 15:47:
> On Sun, 6 Jan 2002 17:36:47 +0530, zohar wrote:
> > one of my friend says the internal modem is an internal modem while other
> > says it is a Winmodem. I think it is Winmodem as it has no processor like
> > thing of itself. I want to connect Linux to internet as I want it to be
> > able to download it linux material in Linux partition. So I think I have
> > to brought a external modem . In all this I am confused.
> > Do any one have encountered this or have some idea about this ?
> If you just want to download material to put on the Linux partition, you
> can download it in Windows and leave it in a folder on your desktop.  Then
> boot into Linux and do:

I would not reccomend this for 2 reasons
1. People are inclined to do more than d/l when online -  surf, chat, email; 
All of these occupations are unsafe in windoze. (M$ specific viruses, viruses 
which dcc themselves to you via irc chat, sites which screw a computer 
running ie just for fun, etc. etc.) People only downloading is rare enough. I 
got the CIH virus on the back of a niusance virus dcc'd via an irc line to 
one of my youngsters: On April 23rd, Someone sent me a link for a checker for 
it, and I got it and ran it, as I was online; I found 175 copies of CIH 
between 2 computers. FYI, CIH overwrites the flash bios on April 26th. That's 
when I got into linux big time.

2. Winmodems are CPU hungry and slow your beast down. Get the external one, 
or an expensive card (At least 6 chips usually, vs ~3 for a winmodem). If it 
doesn't configure as com 1 or 2, it's not a real modem.

        Declan Moriarty

Applied Researches - Ireland's Foremost Electronic Hardware Genius

        A Slightly Serious(TM) Company

Experience is like a comb, 
that Life gives you - AFTER all your hair has fallen out!
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