Rick Sivernell wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:02:44 -0500
> Bruce Marshall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tuesday 29 January 2002 7:45 am, Joel Hammer wrote:
> > > This is really interesting. MS is taking linux seriously. This means that
> > > we will see increasing incompatibility between MS and linux software,
> > > like samba. Just minor stuff, but enuf to make using a samba server not
> > > worth the trouble. And, expect to see more problems in translating MS
> > > documents into non-MS software, too.
> > >
> > > Why not. There are billions of dollars at stake.
> > >
> >
> > I fully expect that some day in the not too distant future, there will be a
> > 'Microsoft Internet' and an Internet for the rest of us.  They're going to
> > make it happen.
> >
>  List
>    In my life I have tried many things, & have had many successes and a few
> failures. Well I am going to express a failure here, please I beg you not to be
> too harsh on me, I feel bad enough<g>. I had a conversation with my grown son last
> night, was not real intelligent, oh well that is another issue. He was spouting
> the virtures of Windows, Office XP & etc. I tried to explain the cost difference,
> availiablity and the ease of keeping your system in top computing shape. His
> answer, " I do not have time for that crap". Where did I go wrong here? I feel so

I think we all want a machine that we can "just use".  Linux may take
more time to tweak to get it to where you like it, but it stays there
and doesn't break.  I see posts from people who are (and I have nothing
against this, I just don't practice it myself) constantly replacing
software.1.2.3 with software.1.2.4 and causing no end of grief for
themselves and spending more time tweaking and building than using.

Linux is like Lego, if you buy a package, you can follow the plan and
build a little car/plane/boat, or like many Linux users, you can try and
swap out the wheels/wings/hull for a slightly better but not necessarily
more functional set.

I think more emphasis on the fact that Linux _does_ work out of the box,
and less emphasis on the tweakbility is what's needed.  He doesn't
_need_ to spend "...time for that crap" if he doesn't want to.
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