Michael Scottaline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On Tue, 29 Jan 2002 08:17:56 -0600
> Rick Sivernell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cried out in frustration:
> >
> >    In my life I have tried many things, & have had many successes and a
> >    few failures. Well I am going to express a failure here, please I beg
> >    you not to be too harsh on me, I feel bad enough<g>. I had a
> >    conversation with my grown son last night, was not real intelligent,
> >    oh well that is another issue. He was spouting the virtures of
> >    Windows, Office XP & etc. I tried to explain the cost difference,
> >    availiablity and the ease of keeping your system in top computing
> >    shape. His answer, " I do not have time for that crap". Where did I
> >    go wrong here? I feel so ashamed, & violated<g>. Someday maybe he
> >    will realize his errors and return to the fold. Actually a friend of
> >    his put XP on a machine & has had nothing but problems ever since. I
> >    would think he would have gotten the message. What is a dad to do?
> =================================
> This is what happens when we "spare the strap", Rick!  ;o)
> Mike
Actually, Rick, the important thing to remember is that the practice of mildly
deviant behaviour is quite normal.  Just tell your son to promise to only
practice such behaviour in private and wash his hands thoroughly afterwards.




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