dep wrote:
> On Tuesday 29 January 2002 09:17, Rick Sivernell wrote:
> | Actually a friend of his put XP on a machine & has had nothing but
> | problems ever since. I would think he would have gotten the
> | message. What is a dad to do?
> laugh when it blows up on him and, if he mentions it, say, "i do not 
> have time for that crap."

FWIW, this is EXACTLY what I did at my house. I stopped supporting 
Windows completely at home. Any problems and they were on their own. My 
response would be, "if it were linux, I could help you". I support 
Windows enough at work, I certainly don't want to do it at home. My 
son's PC is now 100% linux while I still have Win98 laying around so 
that I can use it for doing my taxes. (I'm finally Quicken free, using 

Rick, your son might find this article interesting. It's not written by 
anyone at LinuxPlanet, but it's good none-the-less:


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