On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Roberto A. Foglietta
> <snip>
>  3) I use 7" when I travel with my UMTS phone to access Internet everywhere
>  4) The 9" is better because the size/resolution of TFT and the
> doubled battery life

I think you should just buy a larger battery for your 7", since it
suits perfectly your needs of mobility, shouldn't you ? :)

>  I do not have any need to change my 7" but I can do it because being
> in VAT account means it is cheap change every year (or two years) even
> if it not strictly necessary doing it. My 7" costs me 331 euros
> expedition included but after tax reduction I get back 166, so if I
> have to spend 200 euros more to have the 9" in real world it cost me
> nothing the change. I think it is the same as the used market car.


>  Probably combining my UMTS Samsung phone, my 7", 2G fast SD, microBT
> usb key and a proper configuration for all the package I could able to
> sell it for an interesting value. In the case I will upgrade to 9" and
> HSUPA connectivity. Yes, I know... if I would sell my time as
> consultant I would have back much more value than doing this kind of
> thing... however I like do it because I sold pc and teached to
> end-user for years before I start to use Linux.  For me it is
> something like listening a song of my youth.
>  :-D

Like a child in Xmas morning :)
The resolution is the point, ya, it makes the web browsing much more
easier. But you'll lose a lot in transport... the 701 is like an

Well, I still have no other choice to wait for eeePC 1000..... hopin'
alternatives to come out soon.


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