Le 28/08/2010 19:51, Jean-Max Reymond a écrit :
Le 28/08/2010 19:46, JPB a écrit :
Le samedi 28 août 2010, Jean-Max Reymond a écrit :

> Le 28/08/2010 19:01, JPB a écrit :

> > Je suis aussi en IPV6 chez free (enfin j'ai demandé comme toi depuis

> > longtemps) et je n'ais pas de souci pour voir David Bowie (bien
que ce

> > ne soit plus de mon époque :-) ) ; je suis connecté par le wifi

> > qui me donne une IPV4 mais je pense que vu du net je suis en V6
(enfin à

> > vérifier) ?


> bizarre,

> ce test http://test-ipv6.com/ te dit ok ?


cela me dit:

Your IPv4 address on the public internet appears to be 79.84.XXX.XXX

You appear to be able to browse the IPv4 internet only. You will not be
able to reach IPv6-only sites. Additionally, depending on your ISP, your
IPv4 expericence may degrade over time.
(TODO: link to more information)

Your readiness scores


for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4
and IPv6


for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go
IPv6 only

D'après ce que je comprend je ne suis pas en IPV6 :-(

désolé :-)

Congratulations! You appear to have both IPv4 and IPv6 internet working.
If a publisher publishes to IPv6, your browser will connect using IPv6.
Your browser prefers IPv6 over IPv4 when given the choice (this is the
expected outcome).

Attempts to use an IPv6-only DNS server failed; possibly, your ISP's DNS
servers are not yet on IPv6. This will impact your ability to browse an
IPv6-only site.
Your readiness scores
9/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both
IPv4 and IPv6
7/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced
to go IPv6 only

C'est normal si l'on est connecté derrière un routeur qui ne gere pas IPv6... Je viens de le vérifier!
Your readiness scores
10/10 for your IPv4 stability and readiness, when publishers offer both IPv4 and IPv6 0/10 for your IPv6 stability and readiness, when publishers are forced to go IPv6 only
Reste à voir pourquoi 0/10...

Linuxement vôtre,
David P.

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   Vous etes responsable de vos propos.
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