Hallo Frank,
> So, Version 01152201 enthält viele mtrace-Nachrichten, sodass der Ablauf 
> verfolgbar ist.

Muss ich da das noch etwas aktualisieren?

> bitte Debugging -> Developer einschalten,
> in enrol/openlml/version.php die Zeitabstände von 60*60 auf 1 setzen, damit
> der Job auch gestarrtet wird, dann
> http://... /admin/cron.php starten.
> Das müsste Aufschluss geben, falls mein Modul für den Zeitbedarf zuständig 
> ist.
Das sind die Ausgaben im Brwoserfenster nach dem Aufruf von cron.php:

 Created missing context instances
Running session gc tasks...
...finished stale session cleanup
Running auth crons if required...
... started 17:56:17. Current memory use 32.2MB.
Running enrol crons if required...
Running cron for enrol_manual...
... started 17:56:17. Current memory use 39.4MB.
Verifying manual enrolment expiration...
...manual enrolment updates finished.
manual enrolment expiry notifications were already sent today at Freitag, 23. 
Januar 2015, 07:38.
Running cron for enrol_cohort...
... started 17:56:17. Current memory use 39.7MB.
Running cron for enrol_openlml...
... started 17:56:18. Current memory use 40.4MB.
Starting enrolments for openlml enrolments plugin...
Starting activity modules
Processing module function questionnaire_cron ...... started 18:39:22. Current 
memory use 43.6MB.
... used 2 dbqueries
... used 0.22155213356018 seconds
Processing module function scorm_cron ...... started 18:39:22. Current memory 
use 46.4MB.
Updating scorm packages which require daily update
... used 5 dbqueries
... used 0.10976696014404 seconds
Processing module function assignment_cron ...... started 18:39:22. Current 
memory use 50.6MB.
... used 2 dbqueries
... used 0.17065501213074 seconds
Processing module function assign_cron ...... started 18:39:22. Current memory 
use 52.8MB.
... used 4 dbqueries
... used 0.27538108825684 seconds
Processing module function quiz_cron ...... started 18:39:23. Current memory 
use 60.3MB.

  Looking for quiz overdue quiz attempts...
  Considered 0 attempts in 0 quizzes.
Starting quiz reports
Processing cron function for quiz_statistics...
... started 18:39:23. Current memory use 66.8MB.

  Cleaning up old quiz statistics cache records...done. (1 dbqueries, 0.07 
Finished quiz reports
... used 5 dbqueries
... used 0.3905918598175 seconds
Processing module function oublog_cron ...... started 18:39:23. Current memory 
use 67.1MB.
... used 2 dbqueries
... used 0.131676197052 seconds
Processing module function chat_cron ...... started 18:39:23. Current memory 
use 67.5MB.
... used 5 dbqueries
... used 0.2541241645813 seconds
Processing module function forum_cron ...... started 18:39:23. Current memory 
use 70.5MB.
Starting digest processing...
Cleaned old digest records
Sending forum digests: Freitag, 23. Januar 2015, 18:39
Removing old forum read tracking info...
... used 10 dbqueries
... used 0.4018018245697 seconds
Finished activity modules
Starting blocks
Processing cron function for rss_client....... started 18:39:24. Current memory 
use 70.9MB.

0 feeds refreshed (took 0.022799 seconds)
Processing cron function for mrbs....... started 18:39:24. Current memory use 
Finished blocks
Starting admin reports
Finished admin reports
Starting main gradebook job...
... started 18:39:24. Current memory use 73.1MB.
    Deleted old grade history records from 'grade_outcomes_history'
    Deleted old grade history records from 'grade_categories_history'
    Deleted old grade history records from 'grade_items_history'
    Deleted old grade history records from 'grade_grades_history'
    Deleted old grade history records from 'scale_history'
Starting processing the event queue...
... started 18:39:24. Current memory use 73.1MB.
Starting course reports
Finished course reports
Starting gradebook plugins
Finished gradebook plugins
Updating calendar subscriptions:
... started 18:39:24. Current memory use 76.8MB.
Finished updating calendar subscriptions.
Fetching external blog entries...... started 18:39:24. Current memory use 
Deleting blog associations linked to non-existent contexts...... started 
18:39:24. Current memory use 77.7MB.
Starting the question bank cron...... started 18:39:24. Current memory use 

  Cleaning up old question previews...done.

  Cleaning up old question statistics cache records...done.
Website-Registrierung auf den Hubs wird aktualisiert...
... started 18:39:24. Current memory use 77.9MB.
Website-Registrierung auf den Hubs ist beendet
Outdated or missing info about available updates, forced fetching ... done
Deleting session linked tokens more than one day old...... started 18:39:26. 
Current memory use 81.5MB.
Starting repository plugins
Processing cron function for repository_dropbox...
... started 18:39:26. Current memory use 91.4MB.
done. (1 dbqueries, 0.03 seconds)
Processing cron function for repository_filesystem...
... started 18:39:26. Current memory use 91.4MB.
done. (3 dbqueries, 0.03 seconds)
Finished repository plugins
Starting admin tools
Processing cron function for tool_qeupgradehelper...
... started 18:39:26. Current memory use 92.1MB.
done. (0 dbqueries, 0 seconds)
Finished admin tools
Running cache cron routines
Cleaning up stale session data from cache stores.
Checking automated backup status...INACTIVE
Starting badges cron...
Deleting old draft files... ... started 18:39:27. Current memory use 97.2MB.
Deleting orphaned preview files... ... started 18:39:27. Current memory use 
Cleaning up files from deleted contexts... ... started 18:39:27. Current memory 
use 97.2MB.
Deleting trash files... ... started 18:39:27. Current memory use 97.2MB.

Warning: opendir(/var/lib/moodle/trashdir): failed to open dir: Permission 
denied in /usr/share/moodle/lib/filelib.php on line 2650
Cron script completed correctly
Cron completed at 18:39:27. Memory used 97.2MB.
Execution took 2597.425088 seconds


> Gruß,
> Frank
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