El 28/06/16 a las 17:38, RDP escribió:
> On 28 June 2016 at 15:38, Christian Schoenebeck
> <schoeneb...@linuxsampler.org> wrote:
> Incidentally...
>     http://blog.zynthian.org/
> Unless there is a secret ( commercial ) benfactor/sponsor or two
> lurking in the jolly old background,, and even if there is, may one
> ask roughly -  give us a ball ball park figure do  - how much one of
> these stands costs, .exactly?  Would linuxsampler be showcased? ;o)
Of course, i have no secrets:

+ IMPERDIBLE stand => completely free. COTEC foundation payed the party
for everybody ;-)
+ SONAR stand => 844 euros (payed from my own bucket)

And yes, LinuxSampler was installed and used in the showcased zynthian
boxes. Also many others as:

+ ZynAddSubFX
+ setBfree
+ Dexed
+ FluidSynth
+ MDA plugins
+ TAL plugins
+ and many many more free software sound plugins

We sold exactly 0 devices and won exactly 0 euros. Well, i payed 844
euros to be there, only because i love SONAR festival and wanted to feel
the waves, and spread the project into the music world, sharing space
with the most commercial products side by side. You can see that as a
kind of personal whim ;-)

Do you want numbers? Not a problem for me ...

Until now, we have sold exactly 6 kits in 6 months, with an average
price of 80 euros. The cost of materials is about 50, so we have a huge
profit of 180 euros in 6 months. I've started thinking about buying my
first Ferrary ;-D

The question here is that everybody can use the specification to print
PCBs and sell kits. I hope that many people do that, earn some money and
spread Zynthian Project along the world, spreading Free Software too,
and competing with closed products. That is what we all want? Or what?

Best Regards!
José Fernando Moyano Dominguez
 + Email: ferna...@zauber.es
 + Teléfono: +34 625 642 820
ZauBeR: Soluciones de Software a medida
 + Web: http://www.zauber.es
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José Fernando Moyano Dominguez
 + Email: ferna...@zynthian.org
 + Teléfono: +34 625 642 820
Zynthian: the Open Synth Platform
 + Web: http://zynthian.org
 + Blog: http://blog.zynthian.org

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