On Sun, Jan 10, 1999 at 10:43:36AM +1200, Joop Teernstra wrote:
> Dear all (both DNSO.net and DNSO.org) ,
> I propose to insert the following language in preamble of the SO
> application document, (whether incorporated bylaws or dnso charters)
> 1. Decisionmaking by the General Membership of  the DNSO  is achieved by
> on-line debate and vote

Already provision for this...

> 2. The Domain Name Supporting Organization (DNSO) shall be composed of any
> individual, firm, association, corporation or other entity who is the
> holder of a second level domain (SLD) in any top level domain (TLD)or of a
> third level domain under any second level controlled by a TLD  (Hereinafter
> "Domain Name Holder").

This cannot be.  You can say that any such person can be *eligible*
to be a member, but you can't automatically make them a member
whether they want to be or not.  The DNSO *and it's membership* can
be sued, remember.  Legally you simply cannot make someone a member 
of an organization they don't want to be a member of -- and I 
certainly can imagine that there could be domain holders who don't 
want to be members of DNSO.

> 3. The Names Council shall ensure that it will guard the rights of the
> Domain Name holders and registrants by advising ICANN on such policies that
> will mandate that any delegated Registrar or
> Registering entity  adopts procedures guaranteeing fair hearings and due
> process in its Articles, Bylaws or contract documents with second or third
> level registrants.
> The text may need to be refined or adapted, but this is the sort of
> language that will attract the masses of Domain Name owners to membership
> of your DNSO as an organisation where their voice can and  will be heard.
> Joop Teernstra LL.M.  
> Democratic Association of  Domain  Name  Owners
> http://www.democracy.org.nz 

Kent Crispin, PAB Chair                         "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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