On Sun, 10 Jan 1999, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:

> That said, it would appear that these would be ISP's/Domain holders, and
> end-users. 

No. A domain name holder may or may not be an ISP. It has no relevance to
their securing and use of a domain name. 

It's very simple:

1) Individual membership, that is membership on behalf of your own
   personal interests. Membership fees 1X

2) "Business" membership, that is membership on behalf of the interests
    of an organization. Membership fees 10X (or something like that.)

It's simple, it's clean, and you don't get mired down in defining
constituencies ad nauseum and creating complex and brittle weighting
schemes. Each "branch" has equal voting power. This gives an effective
voice to end users and to industry. 

> I am begining to see the DNSO as more like a Senate. I have yet
> to see anything resembling a House of Representatives, however. 

I was actually referring to seperation within the DNSO itself for
representational purposes. Come down one structural level. ;-)

>  But, this is ceeding to the InterNet Governance approach, which I
> basically disagree with. 

I hate to break it to you, but all the elements are there. You have
people/organizations that want voting power. Why do they want voting
power? Why to control the direction and decisions made by the organization
that will govern its' operations. They want control of their own

> Like it as not, we simply don't have the authority of deadly-force to
> enforce any sort of governance model. I don't want to go there either. Been
> there, done that, burned the tee-shirt/card...

In any of the models currently posited *someone* will be making decisions.

Patrick Greenwell                                        (800) 299-1288 v
                                    CTO                  (925) 377-1212 v
                                 NameSecure              (925) 377-1414 f    
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