Richard J. Sexton a écrit:
> At 07:19 PM 1/11/99 -0500, Martin B. Schwimmer wrote:
> >
> >p.s. the present draft allows an entity to belong to as many groups as it
> >meets the qualifications for (and pays the fees for).
> What's that called? The "capture clause" ?

Exactly. But it has been argued over, and will continue to be argued over.
Nevertheless, it seems that the only way to circumvent the problem is to
have an individual membership structure a la Karl Auerbach, and this, of
course, neither the trademark groups, nor the registries, nor any other
businesses want, since it puts the users on an equal footing with them.

So, in order to keep out the users, the Internet businesses are willing to
spend the rest of their lives fighting between themselves for power.

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