Christopher Ambler a écrit:
> >Exactly. But it has been argued over, and will continue to be argued over.
> >Nevertheless, it seems that the only way to circumvent the problem is to
> >have an individual membership structure a la Karl Auerbach, and this, of
> >course, neither the trademark groups, nor the registries, nor any other
> >businesses want, since it puts the users on an equal footing with them.
> I suppose I fall into the "registry" category, yet I favour this structure.
> Then again, I also think that this DNSO will accomplish nothing, as it
> will never resolve the issues and ICANN will have to decide anyway.
> All it does is provide a forum for *future* issues. In the meantime, it
> merely wastes another year.

You are probably right. But, what can we do? We have no choice now. We have
to continue. Maybe, instead of the good ideas coming through, all the bad
ones will be shown up, and whatever is left over will have to do.

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