On Sun, Mar 28, 1999 at 11:48:19PM -0800, Bill Lovell wrote:
> In short, the letter code that defines some subset
> of the nearly infinite domain name space, whether
> that letter code be "per" or anything else, should be
> set by international agreement and freely available
> to every prospective domain name holder to use,
> through whatever registrar that prospective registrant
> may choose.

That was *precisely* what the gTLD-MoU proposed.


> >P.S.  ICANN appears to agree with you.  They 
> >claim ownership over *all* names in the legacy 
> >name space.
> ICANN and I could not be more in DISagreement.
> That they may have administrative responsibility
> over all names does not mean that they own them.
> ICANN does not own diddly squat.

You should not just blindly take Jay's word for anything about ICANN. 

> And thank you for this thoughtful response.
> May the beating commence.

Bill, you should know by now that Jay continuously and knowingly
spreads disinformation about the MoU and about ICANN. 

For example, in his message "Power Politics and the New
Internet Order" he wrote about the MoU as follows: "It would have
established an authority control model of governance, and it claimed
ownership over the entire name space."  

This is complete hogwash.

David Maher, chair of the POC, wrote to Jay as follows: 

  "For the record, the International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC), formed
  by IANA and ISOC, was charged with developing a plan for the
  generic TLD space.  The gTLD-MoU was developed for that purpose
  only.  It explicitly did not deal with the restructuring of IANA or
  the ccTLD space, which the Green and White Papers covered in
  addition to the gTLD space....  I'd appreciate it if you'd
  distribute the correction to your comment about the gTLD-MoU to the
  recipients of the original."

To which Jay replied, after agreeing that David was correct: 

>I'd prefer not to correct the original,
>since your comment addresses a very small
>component of a much larger message.

(David sent this exchange to the POC list).

But in fact, of course, the "much larger message" is just as

Neither the gTLD-MoU (note, by the way the "gTLD" part of the name),
nor ICANN, claim "ownership" of the name space, and the very notion
is almost totally meaningless. 

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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