On Fri, Jan 15, 1999 at 02:16:12PM -0800, Karl Auerbach wrote:
> > IANA always treated ccTLDs differently from gTLDs.  Specifically, IANA 
> > assumed that it had the power to create IAHC to devise a new policy 
> > regarding gTLDs.  It was very clear at all times that IANA understood
> > that it had no power over ccTLDs.  Postel chose, very wisely, to adopt
> > a policy of deference to the relevant sovereign government.
> When Jon Postel asked me to serve on the IAHC[*] he made no such statement
> nor imposed any such limitation.

In general it wasn't Jon's style to set a lot of preconditions.  It
is my impression that the IAHC made this determination on their own. 
In fact, the terminology in common use in the discussions preceeding
the IAHC was "international" TLDs.  The IAHC read 1591 closely, and
decided to stick to the terminology there.  The restriction of the
MoU to gTLDs was a disappointment to me -- but in retrospect I
realize it was the only possible course of action. 

But there is no question  that ccTLDs have always been treated 
differently than gTLDs -- indeed, gTLDs have been the unusual case. 

Kent Crispin, PAB Chair                         "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                               lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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