According the ICIIU rules, you aren't eligible.

But then....neither are many of the others listed.

Seems the ICIIU only sticks to its "principles" when its the ISOC they
are challenging.  As long as the organization is not an ISOC
supporter, he..oops I mean the willing to bend the rules.

Is that character? 

The entire NCDNHC effort would be better suited if an anti business
bigot wasn't trying to force himself to be in charge of it, perhaps
someone who realizes that non-commercial doesn't mean ANTI-commercial.

Then a more balanced image might be presented, and have a better
chance of defeating the ISOC attempt to dominate it.

Sorry, but I don't support something just because they oppose the ISOC
also.  It takes more than that.  Michael, oops again...the ICIIU
doesn't meet the qualifications.  

On Mon, 31 May 1999 20:50:51 -0400, "Marsh, Miles (Gene)"

>Please add the voice of the TLDA and its associate individuals and
>Gene Marsh
>interim secretary, Top Level Domain Association
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Michael Sondow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>> Sent: Monday, May 31, 1999 2:04 PM
>> To: Richard J. Sexton
>> Cc: Kent Crispin; William X. Walsh; John B. Reynolds; IFWP
>> Subject: Re: [IFWP] Re: [dnso.discuss] Modifications to ICIIU 
>> Guidelines
>> and NCDNHC definition
>> If you look at the ICIIU proposal on its website or on ICANN's DNSO
>> constituency pages, you will see that the ICIIU is currently
>> supported officially by the following non-commercial organizations:
>> Namibian Internet Development Foundation (NAMIDEF)
>> The Communisphere(R) Project 
>> Revista Electronica de Derecho Informatico (REDI)
>> The Biological Anthropology Forum (BAF)
>> Personal Domain Name Holders Association (PDNHA)
>> The Distributed Knowledge Project (DKProj) 
>> The Convergence Center, Syracuse Univ. School of Information Studies 
>> Asociacion de Internautas del Peru (AIP)

William X. Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Fax:(209) 671-7934

The Law is not your mommy or daddy to go 
crying to every time you have something 
to whimper about.

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