On Mon, May 31, 1999 at 10:08:38AM -0400, Richard J. Sexton wrote:
> At 11:22 AM 5/31/99 GMT, you wrote:
> >And back on the thread here....
> >
> >None of this has shown that anyone really is a member of this
> >"Congress" called the ICIIU except Mr Sondow......
> I am.

No, you are not.  Here are Mr Sondow's words on the subject:

>John B. Reynolds a icrit:
>> you should get all of the members of the ICIIU to join ICANN.      
>I can't "get all of the members of the ICIIU to join ICANN" for the 
>simple reason that the ICIIU has no membership. The ICIIU was  
>founded on the principle that people who use the Internet should
>represent themselves and have a responsibility to do so, and that
>the Internet gives them the this ability.

You can get your killifish associations to *support* that *fake* 
organization, the ICIIU, but you can't sign them up as members.

However, the fact that you are willing to support a false front like
the ICIIU speaks volumes.

Kent Crispin                               "Do good, and you'll be
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain

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