At 09:40 AM 5/31/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Richard J. Sexton wrote:
>> At 11:22 AM 5/31/99 GMT, you wrote:
>> >And back on the thread here....
>> >
>> >None of this has shown that anyone really is a member of this
>> >"Congress" called the ICIIU except Mr Sondow......
>> I am. As are the Canadian Killifish Association (300 memebrs) the
>> International Killifish Associatio (700 memebrs) and the Mercedes
>> Benz Veterans Club in Switzerland (250 members).
>Unlikely, considering that Sondow himself has repeatedly stated that the
>"ICIIU" has no membership.  Perhaps you signed up for his NCDNHC "list of
>adherents", which is not the same thing.  You aren't listed there, but he
>doesn't appear to have updated it in the past month.

Michael and I spend many many hours in Berlin. I went there with
authority to speak for the organzations I mentioned. I'm comfortable
with the ICIIU position as I have been since the day I turned on the
ICIIU website and mailing list.

Stop the witch hunt will you please ? We're fiddling while Rome
burns. Your opponent is not Sondow.

Remember, amateurs built the Ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

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