On Mon, 31 May 1999 10:08:38 -0400 (EDT), "Richard J. Sexton"

>At 11:22 AM 5/31/99 GMT, you wrote:
>>And back on the thread here....
>>None of this has shown that anyone really is a member of this
>>"Congress" called the ICIIU except Mr Sondow......
>I am. As are the Canadian Killifish Association (300 memebrs) the
>International Killifish Associatio (700 memebrs) and the Mercedes
>Benz Veterans Club in Switzerland (250 members).

And were these members consulted before he committed them to
endorsements and changes in the ICIIU platforms?

I'd be hard pressed to call these "members."

You are using a very broad definition if you are, Richard.

William X. Walsh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
General Manager, DSo Internet Services
Fax:(209) 671-7934

The Law is not your mommy or daddy to go 
crying to every time you have something 
to whimper about.

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