Pisanty Baruch Alejandro-FQ a écrit:

> so now, who was governing your country can disqualify you for life?

Not who was governing it, but how you react to being educated in
their system. Some people rebel when it's undemocratic, others
absorb it.

> BTW weren't you brought up in a country at war (WWII, Korea, what 
> was it when you were a child?) Weren't your famous parents, per 
> your own story, brought up under a fascist regime?

Not my parents, no. My grandparents. They were the victims of it,
because they held contrary views. Their suffering made them love and
adhere to democracy and freedom that much more.

But I don't see why you are intruding uninvited into this polemic.
Is it because you identify with Mr. Sola's undemocratic behavior?

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