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>Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999 23:08:59 -0700
>To: Gordon Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Dave Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [IFWP] RE: Lou Gerstner on what IBM wants from ICANN
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>At 10:59 PM 7/2/99 -0400, Gordon Cook wrote:
>>uh mr. farmer before you make a fool of yourself with your inane
>>pontifications you ought to spend a few minutes following  what you claim
>It might be worth being very judicious where you direct the label 
>'pontification', Gordon...
>>GAC's Considerings:
>>1. The Internet naming and addressing system is a public resource that must
>>be managed in the interests of the global Internet community;
>>The "naming and addressing system" is NOT a "public resource.  The
>>  language is straight out of the gTLD-MoU.  It is a clear unconstitutional
>>  taking of private property.
>After all this time, it is surprising and encouraging to discover that you 
>know more about international law -- never mind more about Internet 
>technology and operations principals -- than the other experts working on 
>this task.
>(And by the way, a guilt-by-association reference to the gtld-mou hardly 
>counts as substantive criticism of the current work.  Surely you can do 
>better than that!)
>>2. The management of Internet names and addresses must be facilitated by
>>organizations that are global in character.
>>It's not clear why all Internet names and addresses "must be"
>>  so facilitated.
>Again, your advanced expertise in basic Internet technical principals is 
>In any event, to those who DO have training in Internet technical 
>principals, they know that barbarization of naming and/or addressing will 
>quite simply eliminate the communications utility of the net, as well as 
>violating some end-to-end technical architecture requirements -- but that's 
>already a problem due to NATs.
>>... 4. Country code top level domains are operated in trust by the Registry
>>for the public interest, including the interest of the Internet community,
>>on behalf of the relevant public authorities including governments, who
>>ultimately have public policy authority over their ccTLDs, consistent with
>>universal connectivity of the Internet.
>>By what authority do they acquire such "public policy authority?"
>Somewhere in the vicinity of 10 years of established practise.
>But what the heck, law doesn't care about established practise, does it?
>>Principle 2 The GAC shall provide advice and communicate issues and views
>>to the ICANN Board.
>>Intergovernmental bodies don't just provide advice.  Their
>>  findings and agreements have substantial force and effect -
>You are, of course, free to re-interpret plain language in any manner you 
>want, but you really do yourself a disservice by not taking proper credit 
>for the semantic (never mind political) creativity you contribute to the 
>interpretation of that plain language.
>>  of Incorporation that it "...shall carry out its activities in
>>  conformity with relevant principles of international law and
>>  applicable international conventions," effectively gives the GAC
>Oh my god.  I entirely missed that one, Gordon.  Thank you SO much.
>Why, it is simply unconscionable that ICANN should actually have to operate 
>within the confines of applicable law.  We better fix this, FAST!
>>Principle 11 In addition to face-to-face meetings, discussions may be
>>conducted online via secure communications.
>>So why do they need "secure online communications" for discussions?
>Well, for one possible reason, to avoid giving you more informal, second 
>hand material to distort.
>>Principle 14 Members of the GAC shall be national governments,
>>multinational governmental organizations and treaty organizations, and
>>public authorities, each of which may appoint one representative to the GAC
>>Notice the wording.  Members of the GAC are not individuals, but
>>  the governments and intergovernmental organizations themselves.
>>  By what lawful mechanism are governments constituting the GAC?
>Wow.  Now that really IS serious.  A "governmental" advisory body actually 
>is restricted to having participation only by representatives of 
>governments!  How could anyone allow this to happen???
>>Principle 16 Governments or organizations not having a representative to
>>the GAC may nominate an accredited government/organizational representative
>>to represent its Membership on the GAC.
>>This will allow some governments to acquire potentially enormous
>>  power.  You could have the ITU representative potentially having
>>  proxies from a hundred countries.  It opens all kind of mischief.
>Sure does.  I mean, after all, all that ADVICE might actually be coherent!
>>Principle 19 If a Members accredited representative is not present at a
>>meeting, then it shall be taken that the Member government or organisation
>>is not represented at that meeting. Any decision made by the GAC without
>>the participation of a Memberís accredited representative shall stand and
>>nonetheless be valid.
>>Is this typical of a body merely providing "advice?"
>Indeed you have found another subversive opportunity.  The idea that a 
>group would be permitted to operate with the work of those who show up, 
>rather than always having to wait for perfect attendance is indeed an 
>insidious violation (of some sort.)
>>Principle 20 In consideration of the GACís commitment to efficiency, there
>>shall be no attendance or voting by proxy. Members may only be represented
>>at meetings, both face-to-face and electronic, by their accredited
>>This will further encourage proxy gathering.
>How does an explicit rule against proxies encourage proxies?
>The rest of your note was equally enlightening, Gordon.  As always, your 
>impressively creative interpretations are most appreciated.
>Dave Crocker                                         Tel: +1 408 246 8253
>Brandenburg Consulting                               Fax: +1 408 273 6464
>675 Spruce Drive                             <http://www.brandenburg.com>
>Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA                 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"They were of a mind to govern us and we were of a mind to govern ourselves."

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